This week is matriculation week at NTNU. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology warmly welcomes approximately 500 new students.

Earlier this week around 7000 new students gathered at Gløshaugen in Trondheim to hear NTNU rector Gunnar Bovim and others wish them welcome to NTNU. NTNU in Ålesund and NTNU in Gjøvik had similar events.

Eager new students met to hear, among others, NTNU rector Gunnar Bovim wih the welcome to NTNU at the first matriculation day at NTNU. Photo: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU
Eager new students met to hear, among others, NTNU rector Gunnar Bovim wih the welcome to NTNU at the first matriculation day at NTNU. Photo: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU.

After the gathering, the students met with their new faculties.

IMG_7689_internasj Ready to meet the new international students. Photo: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU

Fullsatt sal under immatrikuleringsseremonien ved fakultetet. Foto: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU
Full house at the matriculation ceremony. Photo: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU
Fakultetsledelse og vitenskapelig ansatte møter opp for å hilse studentene velkommen. Når den akademiske prosesjon kommer inn i auditoret, reiser alle i salen seg. Foto: Pernille Feilberg.
Heads of the Faculty and representatives of the academic staff meet the new students. When the academic procession enters the auditorium, all rise. Photo: Pernille Feilberg.
Immatrikuleringen er en høytidelig seremoni hvor alle studentene blir ropt opp ved navn, og håndhilser på en representant for fakultetsledelsen. Foto: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU
The matriculation is a solemn ceremony where the new students are each called by their names and receives a handshake from the Head of Faculty. Photo: Pernille Feilberg / NTNU
